Our Mission

Our mission is to add another element to increase water safety by decreasing the time it may take to identify a child in distress by utilizing brighter, contrasting colors in our rash guards.

Having been a lifeguard I've always been conscious about water safety, now a parent myself the idea of water safety is amplified.

Water safety involves many elements; preventing unsupervised access to water, learning to swim and active supervision to name a few. For any parent the statistics are alarming.

  • Globally, the highest drowning rates are among children 1–4 years, followed by children 5–9 years.
  • United States of America: drowning is the second leading cause of unintentional injury death in children aged 1–14 years.
  • Australia: drowning is the leading cause of unintentional injury death in children aged 1–3 years.

Combining lifeguard experience and further research we've created a range of unisex rash guards encompassing design elements that contrast against water conditions, glare and pool bottoms to enhance the safety of our precious ones in and around water.

Why the color of your child's swimwear matters - Image courtesy of Alive Solutions.